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  • Online payments: 

  • You can pay by phone, mail, walk-in, drop box (located near the office door), or monthly billing. 


Late Charges:

  • Payments are due "by the 1" of every month (there is a six-day grace period).

  • Late Fees: $15 will be charged to your account if you are 7 days or more late to paying your bills.

  • An additional $15 will be charged to your account if you are 20 days late.

  • At 30 days past due, a full balance is due (no partial payments will be accepted).

  • At 45 days past due, a non-negotiable Lien Enforcement fee of $75 (per unit) is added.

  • 60 days past due, a non-negotiable Auction processing fee of $75 (per unit) is added. CASH payment due in full.

Courtesy Reminders:

  • Reminders will be sent by email only two weeks before payment is due.

  •                          *Please note: Grey Owl does not guarantee "courtesy reminders" due to spam filters.​

  • A mailed invoice reminder will cost extra: We will gladly email them to you, however a mailed copy will mean a fee added to your bill.

Move out:

  • Required "10 days" move-out notice (by email or in writing) 

  • Remove Lock: take it off the unit and return it to the office or place it in the drop box (the lock is not for you to take with you)

  • Cleaning after move out: Empty & Sweep take everything out including the trash. Sweep it out.

  • Haul-off/clean-up $100 minimum- if you leave it, you pay for it to be hauled off.


  • You (the tenant) are responsible for ANY & ALL damage to Grey Owl Self Storage done by you, your people, or the moving company.

Lock Cut:

  • The Only person authorized to cut locks on Grey Owl Self Storage is Bryan Jensen!

  • It is a felony for tenants to cut locks on Grey Owl Self Storage property.


  • For your security and ours, we have 24HR video-recorded surveillance. 

  • All activities are recorded & reviewed. 

Rules & Regulations:

  • No smoking allowed on Grey Owl Self Storage Property: No explosives, ammunition, or dangerous hazardous chemicals. No corrosive materials, plastics, or liquid detergents. No containers of liquids. ​

  • No loitering or habitation: tenants are only permitted to be on the premises for the time it takes to add or remove stored items. 

  • No partial payments: Balance due in full. 

  • Certified Letter: The fee is $20 per unit. 

  • We Do Not allow name transfers. A new lease agreement is required for a name change.

  • Tenants are NOT permitted to cut locks on Grey Owl Self Storage property ever. 

  • 10 days notice in writing or email before moving out 

  • We prioritize the safety and security of all our tenants. Therefore, we strictly prohibit sub-leasing, using a unit for unlawful purposes, or sharing a unit without adding them to the lease legally. All items in the unit must belong to the person leasing the unit.

  • No 55-gallon drums are to be stored in/on Grey Owl Self Storage property. 

  • Do not use Flammables, oil-soaked rags, or gas. Motorcycle, car, or gas engine tanks must be empty.

  • Food, Live, or Dead Animals are permitted. 

  • No Electricity or electrical outlets without authorization from Grey Owl Self Storage.

  • No Work of any type can be performed within a unit or on the premises. 

  • No dumpsters available. Do not leave unwanted items or trash in or outside the unit. 

  • Speed limits are 10 mph or less on Grey Owl Self Storage property. 

  • Be Courteous- park closes to the building, your unit, so other vehicles have room to pass. 

  • Contact Information is a requirement and must be updated often. 

  • Storage Insurance is the tenants' responsibility. Grey Owl Self Storage is NOT responsible for loss or damage, theft, natural disaster, water damage, or damages to goods while stored. 

  • Holiday Hours are closed on all major holidays. 

  • Pets and Children should remain in the vehicle for their safety while visiting the facility. 

  • Locks are required on the unit at all times, but this is not an option.  

  • Unauthorized vehicles will be towed at your expense. 

  • All moving trucks over 16' must have pre-authorization by the office manager. 

  • No sales of any kind on Grey Owl Self Storage property. This will lead to immediate eviction. 

  • Read your lease agreement.

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